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American Penstemon Society - join this organization and have available hundreds of species of penstemons.
Baker Heirloom Seeds - has a beautiful catalog and a wide variety of flower and vegetable seeds.
Chiltern's Seeds - a British seed company that has a vast selection of perennials, herbs, and heirloom seeds. Ships to the U.S.
Fedco Seeds - a cooperative venture that lists seeds obtained from organically grown sources; supplies both the farm and home gardener.
Jelitto's - a German seed company widely used by nurseries, offering a truly huge selection of perennials. Seeds can be ordered in packets (good for the home gardener) as well as in large quantities for the commercial grower. Ships to the U.S.
Nichols Garden Nursery - another Oregon-based company with a nice selection of vegetables and other seeds.
North American Rock Garden Society - join this organization and you can participate in one of the most extensive seed exchanges in the world
Pine Tree Garden Seeds - a U.S. company with a wide variety of seeds
Plant World Seeds - another British company that ships to the U.S. that has a very good and very extensive selection of perennials and other seeds. Ships to the U.S.
Sandeman Seeds - a source of seeds from all over the world; a good source for hard-to-find plants. Prices are in British pounds; packet quantities tend to be large. Ships to the U.S.
Silverhill Seeds - a great source for seeds of southern African plants. Ships to the U.S.
Territorial Seed Company - an Oregon-based company with a good selection of vegetables and other seeds.
Willamette Wildlings - a local source of seeds of native plants of the Willamette Valley, Oregon
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