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 Subject : Too late to replant and divide?.. 06/03/2022 08:03:25 PM 
Megan McMillan
Posts: 7
The spring got away from me (I think the rain played a trick on my perception of the passage of time). I had meant to divide and transplant the following plants:

Brunnera Jack Frost
A sad Lacecap Hydrangea that is too drowned out by other plants

Thoughts? Too late?
 Subject : Re:Too late to replant and divide?.. 06/04/2022 01:38:35 PM 
Alicia Emel
Posts: 9
The brunnera should be done blooming for the year, so now would be a great time to divide it.

Achilles are such tough plants that dividing now would just delay blooming, but otherwise not cause any harm.

I don't know anything about the hydrangea. I would look up the best time to prune for that type of hydrangea and divide it then to avoid suppressing the flowers.
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