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 Subject : Weeding Help.. 04/25/2021 12:17:28 PM 
Kate Anchev
Posts: 6
Location: Portland, OR
I'm happily 29 weeks (aka 7 months) pregnant and am facing a garden filled with Norway Maple seedlings (our house is 2 houses away from one to both the north and the south so we're innundated). I got one of those thin, cobra-head hoes so that I can do some of the work without bending over, but it's very slow going. My garden is heavily planted with lots of ground covers (example photo here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_L9htTguDY/), but much of the border beds are a max of 3' wide as I'm on a 50x100' city lot in SE Portland. I'm facing the reality that before they get too big, and it gets too dry, it would be a good idea to get help. I asked a neighborhood middle-schooler for help, but her schedule and attention to detail aren't a good fit. And my husband is just starting a new job so his attention is elsewhere at the moment. Anyone have anyone they pay hourly for weeding who they have confidence in re: not pulling out garden plants too? Thanks for any referrals!
Kate McMillan is a web designer and garden designer who gardens in inner SE Portland, OR. She helps coordinate social media and digital content for HPSO.
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